Friday 14 October 2011

Toolbox for island journalists

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This blog is being volunteer updated as a back engine for a website and social networking. Primarily to promote a new service for journalists across Pacific Islands, a toolbox of online software and offline life-hacks to overcome corruption, poverty, remoteness and frequently slow, patchy internet links.

Aimed at our islands, the toolbox will no doubt come in handy for those isolated by distances other than ocean, be it desert, mountain, poverty or gender, for example. An idea : run a competition among PIJO members and friends of island media for a unique name to christen the new toolbox : Start up nominations include jooltok, jourTOK, joolbox, or variations thereof. Or maybe go total native ... how about kitekite ?

This initiative follows consultation with various islands media, primarily the coordinator for the newest industry group, the Pacific Media Association. Hopefully, the toolbox will also be useful to students too.


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